Note: Storefy X AI fetches and works on the latest data from the last 1 hour. The latest sale data from the last 59 minutes will not be accessed by the AI.
Show all active loans and their status.
List all loans issued in the last 30 days.
What is the total outstanding loan amount?
Show me the loans with overdue payments.
Provide a summary of loans by location.
Show loans with notes indicating high risk.
Forecast loan repayment trends over the next 6 months.
List loans sorted by highest amount.
Show me a breakdown of loans based on their status (paid, pending, overdue).
List all loans that were issued in the last 6 months.
Show the loan status and overdue amount for each loan.
Estimate the risk level of all outstanding loans.
What is the average loan amount issued in the past month?
Identify loans with no notes or additional information.
Forecast potential defaults based on loan takers' repayment history.
Show a list of the highest risk loans based on repayment patterns.
What is the loan distribution across various locations?
Provide an analysis of loans based on their status and location.
Show me the repayment progress of loans issued in the last 3 months.