Note: Storefy X AI fetches and works on the latest data from the last 1 hour. The latest sale data from the last 59 minutes will not be accessed by the AI.
Show me the top-selling product today.
What was my sales volume between January 1 and Today?
Which product had the most sales last week?
Get sales analysis for the last 30 days.
Which product has the highest revenue this month?
Show me the most profitable product this month.
Display total stock remaining for all products.
Show my sales comparison between this and last month.
What is the average profit margin for all products sold in February?
Show product sales trends over the past 7 days.
Fetch sales data for all products sold today.
Compare total revenue between different product categories.
Show me a breakdown of sales by region for the past month.
What are the top-selling categories for the last 30 days?
How much stock is remaining for all items across my store?
Fetch cumulative sales data for all items this year.
Get a summary of products with low stock.
Show the top-performing products for the past 60 days.
Display sales trends for products in the last quarter.
Show me the sales performance for new products this month.
Get stock levels for all high-demand products.
What is the overall profit margin for the last 3 months?
Show the sales analysis for all bestsellers in the past month.
What is the sales volume for each product category today?
Fetch sales data for products with the highest returns.
Display product sales trends by demographic for the last month.
Show me the most discounted products sold in the last 30 days.
Which product category had the highest conversion rate last month?
Show me the sales revenue by region in the past quarter.
Get a summary of all underperforming products this year.
What is the total revenue generated from promotions in the last 30 days?
Fetch sales trends for items on discount.
Show me a breakdown of sales by payment method this quarter.
Get the average stock turnover for products this year.
Show me the sales breakdown for different sales channels this year.